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Benefits of testosterone pellet therapy over testosterone shots


               If you have low testosterone levels, you may benefit from testosterone replacement. Both women and men require enough testosterone for optimal physical and mental health. There are several methods available for testosterone replacement, and two of the commonly used methods are testosterone injections and pellets. With testosterone injections people experience the “highs and lows” of testosterone levels more frequently. Pellet therapy delivers a consistent testosterone level over a longer amount of time, eliminating fluctuations. One thing which is important to understand about testosterone injections is the injections are synthetic testosterone, however testosterone pellets are natural. Physiological data and clinical outcomes reveal that bioidentical hormones are associated with lower risks, including the risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease, and are more effective than their synthetic and animal-derived counterparts. The pellets we use for testosterone therapy are 100% bioidentical, which means the body doesn’t identify pellets as foreign because the pellets are identical on a molecular level with our body.  


When receiving testosterone injections, you need to visit your provider weekly or monthly, and pellet therapy only requires a visit to your provider 2-4 times per year. It can be difficult to make frequent appointments work with your busy schedule. Also, with injections you may have to inject more or less frequently to adjust your testosterone level. Injections require more monitoring, provider visits, products, and you possibly inject yourself. In between the injections you will feel the uncomfortable effects of low testosterone levels. Pellet therapy doesn’t require constant injections, remembering to get your injections, and you don’t have to visit your provider frequently. Both have their risks associated with each, but neither one is riskier than the other. If you have a busy life and want a natural, bioidentical  product, choosing the pellet over injections is the right choice. 


To learn more please contact Groov Wellness, the best hormone therapy clinic in San Antonio. Call 210-796-0193 or contact us